Saturday, October 23, 2010

Spinology and Menopause Aging gracefully in the afternoon of your life.

Spinology and Menopause
Aging gracefully in the afternoon of your life.

Even though the spinology profession doesn’t focus on specific symptoms, ailments, conditions or treatments, we are still aware of natural biological changes that occur throughout life. During the transition from reproductive to non-reproductive capacity, the ovaries cease the primary function they have had since puberty. Normal ovarian function during reproductive years is influenced by follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and lutenizing hormone (LH) which are both produced and released by the anterior pituitary gland via neural stimulation.

During the natural transition of menopause these endocrine hormones change in levels in the bloodstream. This causes the ovaries to nearly totally cease their hormone production. The changes in these circulating hormones cause systemic changes as one would logically expect. The hair, skin, brain and bone tissue can all be noticeably affected during the change. Unfortunately, many are led to believe that this is a ‘condition’ that needs to be ‘treated’ either by medical or natural remedies.

As is the rule when dealing with living beings, no two go through transitions quite the same way. However, all people need proper nerve supply to make the transition as naturally and comfortably as possible. It seems strange to consider that people going through completely natural life changes are labelled as ‘patients’ in the medical fields. Perfectly healthy pregnant women enter the hospital and immediately become patients. A perfectly healthy baby is born and before it takes that first magical breath they are already a patient. We all need to have more faith that our body can perform the trillions of daily functions it needs to without outside interference. Our bodies are magical. We don’t need much help, we simply need no interference.

It’s no wonder that we look with fear and stress at the different phases of our lives as we approach them. The majority of the information we have comes from the medical studies of ‘patients’ going though treatments to assist them through the transitions as opposed to relying on the ‘wisdom of the body’ to self regulate. Many women would find the idea of self regulation as foreign because in this ‘advanced’ day and age we now think it is perfectly normal to delay menopause with drugs for as long as possible.

The spinology profession views menopause the same as it would birth, puberty, pregnancy or menstruation. These are natural phases or processes of life and a body with proper nerve supply throughout will logically experience the least complications. All of these processes require highly specific and co-ordinated hormonal changes. Hormones are released into the blood stream from initial neural stimulation. If the nerve system is functioning smoothly then the hormones will be accurate and the transition will be as smooth as possible. Any spinal misalignments will cause nerve interference which in turn will adversely affect how the body functions.

Many women discover that with weekly spinal maintenance the transition through menopause is smoother and less eventful than expected. Our bodies are meant to function harmoniously within so we can focus on our external environment. Nerve interference disrupts this inner harmony and can make natural biological processes needlessly uncomfortable. As with all biological functions, proper nerve supply equals proper function, nerve interference causes malfunctions.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Q & A from Yoga Therapy Ireland magizine readers.

Since I began this series on Spinology I have received numerous e-mail questions and I will answer a few here.

Q: I have severe low back pain, and have had off and on for quite some time. Should I come and see you?

A: You should definitely come in for a free orientation to find out what Spinology can do for you. Low back pain, especially severe, can be caused by many things. These things include fractures, tumours, disc problems, facet trauma, direct injury and spinal misalignments (spinal occlusions) causing direct nerve irritation. I wouldn’t try to treat your symptoms as Spinology is a non-therapeutic profession. Spinology is concerned with restoring proper nerve supply to allow your body to function at its best. If you have a spinal occlusion your body can’t function as it should and any healing that you may need to do can’t take place as it should. My focus would be on checking your entire spine to allow your entire nervous system to function as it should. If a spinal occlusion in your lower back is causing your pain it may very well dissipate with regular spinal maintenance as many have discovered.

Q: If I understand Spinology, you don’t treat anything as you claim not to be therapists. What is it that you do and who are your patients?

A: We don’t have any ‘patients’ as we don’t treat anything as you stated. We educate our practice members in the area of proper body function through proper nerve supply. Each and every function of the body is governed by the nerve system. Even the chemical and hormonal balance is under direct control of nerves by means of the endocrine system. As Spinologists, we offer a quality of life that most thought long past. Children are offered the opportunity to grow and develop a body that is as good as it can be without nerve interference inhibiting the development of tissues and organs. Imagine a body that with a perfect communication throughout all the organs, tissues and cells and imagine the quality of life for that person. That is what Spinology does.

Q: I have looked at all your pictures on your Facebook page (Michael Meyer) and looked at your YouTube videos (crazybaba2), and what you do looks just like chiropractic or osteopathy. Can you enlighten me on what the differences are?

A: What a Spinologist does would have to look like other ‘spinal’ professions to help the body correct spinal occlusions (spinal misalignments). My method of analysis, my hand positions, my direction of ‘thrust’ and most importantly, my intention is different. I use an analysis method that evaluates what the ‘intention’ of the muscles attached to the spinal occlusions are doing to attempt self correction. The wisdom of the body will use the small muscles attached to the bone to try to realign it. Once I locate those muscles I simply put my hand on the muscle (as opposed to the bone like a chiropractor or an osteopath) and my direction of thrust is away from the spine. It is in the direction the muscle is pulling. My intention is not to manipulate the bone. I supply the muscles with sufficient assistance to move the bone themselves. If the force I supply doesn’t allow the bone to move, I won’t force it to move. Spinology clients come in for brief visits several times per week. Eventually, the body will move the bone to improve nerve function and restore proper body function to help you live at your fullest potential.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Article for Yoga Therapy Ireland Magazine

A Visit in a Spinologist’s Office

We have covered what Spinology is and why it is vital to maintain the nervous system in past issues. I will focus now on what a typical initial visit is like and how a Spinology office works. It is much different than a typical visit to a doctor or therapist.

You will be asked to fill out a form with your details on it and then you are free to explain the reason for your visit. The Spinologist will take notes where appropriate and highlight any special considerations you may personally need (not too different so far). Next, the Spinologist will explain how your body was formed, how the nerves control all functions, how the spine protects the nerve roots and spinal cord, and finally what happens when a spinal bone is outside its proper parameters of alignment. It will become evident during this time to the new client that Spinology is not a profession for people exclusively with ‘bad backs’, but a profession for anyone that wants proper nerve function throughout their bodies for their entire life. The big difference here is that we aim to educate each client to the function of the body as opposed to use our education to just ‘treat’ the body.

Next, the Spinologist will palpate (feel) the spinal muscles with their fingertips with the intent of finding ‘working muscle fibres’ which would indicate the body’s attempt at self correction. This is called a Spinal Occlusion in our profession. A misaligned bone will alter the environment surrounding the nerve and spinal cord tissue and this in turn will interfere with normal neural transmissions to and from the brain. Notice there is no discussion of symptoms or various exams or tests to determine a ‘treatment.’

Finally, the fee system and visit frequency is discussed. Spinologists charge a membership fee for a set period of time (usually 6 months or a year). This payment will allow you access to the facility as you would attend a gym. Typically that is two to three times per week if desired. The massive difference is that there is no ‘fee per visit’ as this would only have clients coming in when the symptoms became unbearable and that would automatically be therapy.

Now, we can begin the procedure. You will lie face down (prone) on a Spinology table and simply relax. The Spinologist will locate your spinal occlusions and apply a gentle pressure or pulse to the surrounding muscles to aid them in correcting the alignment of the segment. That’s all there is to it. Future visits will only take a few minutes since this is maintenance.

Spinal maintenance is essential due to the inherent weakness that the spinal occlusions represent within your spine. Every time you strain your spinal muscles, if bones are going to misalign, it will logically be the ones that were misaligned in the past due to ligament weakness. Spinal maintenance for the entire family makes good sense when you begin to understand just how much the quality of life suffers with nerve interference. The human body is not made up of many different parts. Rather, it is an organism where each cell needs the other cells to function properly to facilitate ‘life’ as we know it. The nervous system is responsible for all this co-ordination throughout the body. Your body can’t possibly function properly with nerve interference.

The Spinology training school can seem challenging and complicated, but our job is really very simple. We check the spines of our clients on a maintenance basis to ensure proper nerve function so the body can resume/continue normal function. Many claim that the quality of life they get from Spinology is something they thought long lost. It truly feels great to be this useful to humanity.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Look What Reggie Gold Says!!!!

The most recent issue of the WCA Journal has a section that asks 'leaders' of the chiropractic profession what the state of chiropractic will be in 10 years. Reggie has a very interesting response. Have a look!!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spinology - Interview with Newstalk Radio 106-108

Here is a link to the interview that I did on Newstalk Radio on Tuesday the 9th of March. I suppose it is ok, but I really needed to stress the nerve function aspect more if I could re-do it. The entire morning show was devoted to back treatments and eventually got around to being pro-active, so they asked if I would come on to explain Spinology. I'm pleased that I was able to explain that Reggie Gold was the founder and it began in the 1980's in the States and not in Oz in the 1990's.

There was supposedly 250,000+ listeners at the time. If you go to the link and begin listening @ 30:30 on the 3rd hour you can hear it. (The text you hear coming thru is my wife telling me good job as she was listening at work lol).

1. Copy and paste link in your browser
2. Go to Tom Dunne Show Archives
3. Choose Tues. 9th March. Part 3, and begin listening at 30:30

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Spinal Muscles and Self Correction of Spinal Occlusions. (But first some philosophy)

Self correction of spinal occlusions (misaligned spinal bones) occurs in nearly everyone, everyday very naturally. Digestion occurs without our conscious thought, as do millions of other functions within this miraculous body of ours. This is something that we can observe and describe, but to explain it we need to go a bit deeper than modern medical understanding allows. The concept that the human body is self regulating, self balancing and self correcting is not something that modern medicine places much emphasis on because it falls under the ‘vitalistic’ umbrella.

Vitalism, as defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is a doctrine that the processes of life are not explicable by the laws of physics and chemistry alone. In Spinology it means that there is some type of ‘intelligence’ or ‘wisdom’ that utilises our brain and nerve pathways to organise and coordinate all functions of the human body (see article in last issue). Since this wisdom within the body can’t be scientifically studied, it is ignored by nearly all top doctors and scientists.

The Spinology course uses deductive reasoning to demonstrate to students that this wisdom is a very real and essential part of our existence. Without it, we are called dead. After all, science tells us that all we need is water, food, air, sleep and sunshine to live. Yet, you can put a corpse in the sun, put food and water in its mouth and pump air into the lungs, but that wont make the corpse live. The vital force that was responsible for the actual ‘life’ of that person is no longer present, so death is the result.

This explanation is necessary to understand why and how the body attempts and achieves self correction of spinal occlusions. The body will constantly strive to optimise function on all levels at all times. When a spinal bone, via some type of force, becomes misaligned the holes between the vertebrae, where the nerve roots exit, become altered and this affects the delicate nerve root tissue. The body will attempt self correction using the small Rotatores and Multifidus muscles that attach to the middle and lower spine. The neck also has the Rectus Capitis Posterior Major, Levator Scapulae, Obliquus Capitis Posterior Inferior and the Obliquus Capitis Posterior Superior. All of these muscles work to attempt realignment. If successful you resume normal function. If unsuccessful the tiny muscles attached to the occlusion will continue in their attempt at correction for years and decades.

There are hundreds of these tiny muscles that attach to each segment of the spine. When the nerves cannot function properly the body is unable to function normally and you suffer on some level. The brain will send impulses to these tiny muscles to contract them in such a manner as to affect spinal realignment. Most minor misalignments are sorted immediately, but sometimes the force that caused the occlusion is greater than the body can overcome and the bone stays misaligned causing nerve transmission problems.

The only focus a Spinologist has is to identify the areas of the spine where self correction has failed and assist the wisdom of the body to realign the segment. This is done by providing a very gentle and specific force in the same direction the muscles are already pulling, thus assisting and not manipulating the spine. In the next issue we will look at how long one needs to see their Spinologist and what visits are like.

Monday, December 7, 2009

December Spinology Class Summery

It was a big weekend for the Spinology students this past weekend (5-6 Dec.)as they had their massive comprehensive exam. Some students thought it was ok, but others felt it was 'insanely difficult'(direct quote). It covered EVERYTHING taught in their first year of classes. They are now nearly halfway through the course.

I can't begin to express how impressed I am with most of them and their dedication to Spinology. All of them are a bedrock of philosophy and are cruising along in technique. We had two perspective students observing classes this weekend and it was fantastic to sit back and listen to the current students talk of the virtues of the course and explain the challenge of the Spinology Technique. Both perspective students have decided to begin the course in Jan. 2010.

We began to cover the nervous system in detail this weekend as well. They learned osteology first and moved on to myology, but now they learn the Master Control System. This, to me, is the most exciting part of the class. The foundation they built in philosophy regarding the wisdom of the body will now come to fruition with the understanding of how the body wisdom utilizes the nervous system to control all functions of being human.

All in all, it was a great weekend. When we finished we bid them all safe home and happy xmas. The next time we meet will be a fresh new year. God Bless.